'Video thumbnail for Julian Alaphilippe's 2020 Specialized S-Work Tarmac SL6 Disc Bike Size  (S.1 Ep.08)'

Julian Alaphilippe's 2020 Specialized S-Work Tarmac SL6 Disc Bike Size (S.1 Ep.08)

7K views Mar 2, 2022
dmcx.com Verified Humix Creator Badge

Julian Alaphilippe, the French road bike pro racer is racing the 2020 with the Team Deceunink-quickstep on a custom color Specialized S-Work Tarmac SL6 Disc. 1:44 Julian's specific Frame size 3:46 Tarmac SL6 2020 tire clearance 4:08 Frame geometry details 6:33 Julian Alaphilippe's bike components details The frame complete geometry is available on https://dmcx.com/2020/03/10/julian-alaphilippes-2020-bike-size/. The frame Geometry is based on Retul Fitting Data points and offer a great balance between comfort and competitiveness thanks to its optimized aerodynamic design and short wheelbase. The frame allow up to 30mm tire clearance which makes it an all rounder type of bike. Micka Demonchaux from www.dmcx.com shares his more than 20 years experience in bicycle design. This video is made with GoPro Black 7

#Bike Frames
  # Road Bikes