'Video thumbnail for Nairo Quintana's Canyon Bike Size 2020'

Nairo Quintana's Canyon Bike Size 2020

46K views Mar 2, 2022
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Micka Demonchaux from dmcx.com shares his expertise in bicycle design by reviewing Nairo Qunitana Bike Size. Nairo Quintana has joined the Team Arkea-Samsik in 2020 and is racing on the Canyon Ultimate CF SLX. If like Micka you are a bike nerd and want to know ultra nerdy details about Nairo Quintana's bike, Watch this video! Note there are no footage of the bike, neither the rider nor the rider riding his bike. Enjoy this video as if you were having a chat about bicycle stuff at a cafe with another bike nerd. If you enjoy this type of content please subscribe and give a thumb up. The video is made with the GoPro 7 Black. #ProBikeSize #NairoQuinana #RideDMCX

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